Access a recent story and video by Scripps News (December 4, 2023)

Access the video and interview in LEADSTORY

Access a story about our Lab by SU News (September 12, 2023)

July 2022

Our lab welcomes two new Phd students. Welcome Nick and Eleanor!

We start our new project sponsored by the NSF DARE.

June 2022

Welcome Sam Getman as an REU student!

Jonathan and Chen-Hao present at the American Control Conference.

Victor is an Invited Session Organizer, Control of Neuroprosthetics and Wearable Robots for Rehabilitation and Function Restoration, at American Control Conference in Atlanta. The session is organized by N. Sharma (North Carolina State University), V. H. Duenas (Syracuse University), Christian A. Cousin (University of Alabama), and Christopher Freeman (University of Southampton, U.K.)

May 2022

We started our pilot project sponsored by the National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation (NC NM4R) and the NIH

Congratulations to Chen-Hao for successfully defending his dissertation! Best luck at ASML in San Diego!

Congrats to Jade for presenting her undergraduate research at the LSAMP symposium.

February 2022

Congrats Jonathan for passing his oral qualifiers!

January 2022

We started a project sponsored by Syracuse VA Medical Center.

August 2021

Evan presented remotely at the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society Conference.

June 2021

We are hosting three REU students (Evan Tulsky, Leilah Miller and Alyssa Rote).

April 2021

Victor presented at the Neuroscience Research Day at Syracuse University.

January 2021

Victor participated remotely at the Training in Grantsmanship for Rehabilitation Research (TIGRR) hosted by the Medical University at South Carolina (MUSC).

December 2020

Victor presented a remote seminar in the Rehabilitation Engineering Group at The Catholic University of America.

October 2020

Jonathan presented virtually at the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference.

July 2020

Victor was an invited Speaker in the One Day Workshop: Extremum Seeking Control for Biomedical Applications at the American Control Conference. The workshop was organized by N. Gans (UT Arlington), S. Kumar (UT Dallas) and R. D. Gregg (U. Michigan).

Chen-Hao presented virtually at the American Control Conference.

December 2019

Victor presents at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and receives the 2019 IEEE Control Systems Technology Award along with his colleagues at the University of Florida, NC State, and University of Alabama.

October 2019

Victor presents his research on rehabilitation robotics and functional electrical stimulation in the Neuroscience Seminar at Syracuse University.

August 2019

Jonathan Casas joins the BSC Lab as a PhD student. Welcome Jonathan!

July 2019

Victor is attending the NIH-Sponsored Short Course in Adaptive Neurotechnologies at the National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies (NCAN) in Albany, New York.

June 28, 2019

Siqi Wang joins the BSC Lab as a PhD student. Welcome Siqi!

June 24–28, 2019

Chen-Hao presented a research poster at the RehabWeek in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

June 10, 2019

During the summer, the BSC lab is hosting four SU REU students (Elizabeth Gordon, Jeffrey Houston, Constantine Hadjidomoulas and Santiago Correa) and two exchange undergraduate students from INSA Strasbourg, France (Loic Riegel and Heloise Deneubourg).

May 22, 2019

Chen-Hao passed his PhD written quals. Congratulations to Chen-Hao!

December 14-15, 2018

Victor attends and presents at the 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems in Miami, FL.

October 16-17, 2018

Victor attends and presents at the NYS SCI Research Symposium at The Rockefeller University, New York City, NY.

July 23, 2018

The BSC lab opens its doors and Chen-Hao Chang joins as a PhD student. Welcome Chen-Hao!